This saturday, December 21st, will be about 150 meters long of “bolo-rei” that will be, once again, made and offered by the pastry shops of Braga and distributed by Associação Comercial de Braga to the population. The tasting is accompanied by “favaítos”, offered by the Adega de Favaios.
There are almost forty bakeries in Braga that present their specialties, promoting a moment of fraternization between the population of Braga and the merchants and appealing to the preference for traditional commerce.
This is the seventh edition of the initiative, becoming a tradition in Braga.
The cake will be served to the public at a running table in the “claustros” of Rua do Castelo, at 5 p.m.
See, below, the list of member pastry shops:
Moscada Food&Lifestyle – Braga
Doçaria De São Vicente
Pastelarias Soares
Padaria de Dume
Pastelaria Braga Parque
Boavista Pão e Doce
Casa Dos Croissants
Pastelaria Nórdica
Pastelaria Glicínia
Bolofresco – Pastelaria
Pastelaria Glória
Confeitaria Glorinha
Pastelaria S.João
Pastelaria Lusitana – Braga
Pastelaria Veneza Braga
Pastelaria Ralha
Confeitaria Santo Antonio – Luxa
Pastelaria Bom Jesus
Pastelaria Luena – Vila Verde
Mundo das Tíbias
Tíbias de Braga
Albano Oliveira da Silva E Filhos Lda
Casa Bolas de Berlim
Padaria Primorosa
Pastelaria Caravela
Padaria Flor da Venezuela
Padarias Pedralva
Padaria Pastelaria De Gualtar
Pastelaria Montalegrense
Doce Rio
Pastelaria Brígida
Rosa Cintilante Pastelaria
Pastelaria A Ritinha