There are 31 days of promotion, in 44 establishments in Braga, Póvoa de Lanhoso and Vila Verde with 44 different menus of a glass of green wine and a snack for 3.5 euros.
So, until October 4th, the challenge for the consumer is to plan his itinerary and leave to discover Braga and the Minho region, celebrating the pleasures of life with work colleagues, friends and family.
An initiative of collective promotion of the region’s establishments through the promotion of vinho verde and gastronomy that, from year to year, has increased the adherent spaces, customers and made the consumption of vinho verde cool.
In this edition, given the impact verified in previous editions and the pandemic context that we still live, our projections indicate that we can reach the sale of about 55,000 menus Verde Cool, which will imply the direct consumption of about 14,000 bottles of vinho verde.
Consumers are also challenged to share their experience on their Facebook page or instate with the hashtag #verdecool to win prizes.
1st Prize: One night for two people in one Hotel Vila Galé in Portugal and three Adega Ponte da Barca’s Loureiro Reserva de Sócios wine bottles;
2st Prize: One dinner for two people in one Hotel Vila Galé in Portugal and three Adega Ponte da Barca Alvarinho Reserva’s wine bottles;
3st Prize: three Adega Ponte da Barca’s Loureiro Bruto sparkling wine bottles.
The Verde Cool is an initiative of the Associação Comerciald e Braga that counts with the partners: Câmara Municipal de Braga, Comissão de Viticultura da Região dos Vinhos Verdes, Adega Ponte da Barca and Vila Galé.