It was created by Casa das Natas, after the Associação Comercial de Braga challenged the pastry shops with an establishment in Braga to create the new candy of these festivities for the triennium 2019-2021.

A sweet made with natural products, made of puff pastry and egg cream and balm, whose packaging was designed to be practical and if you can eat wherever you are. On the packaging you will also find an explanation, a list of all the ingredients it was made with and the logo of the event.
The competition included sweets from 12 pastry shops in Braga: the “cabeçudos”, from Pastelaria Sàbiá; the “sweet lighting”, from Doçaria História à Mesa; the “basilicos”, from Spirito Cupcakes & Coffee and from Pastelaria São João; the “sardine”, from The Cheesecake Story; “Saint John’s chocolate”, by Fava do Cacau; “sweet sardine”, by Casa das Bolas de Berlim; “fuba with guaba cake”, by Paper and Sweetness; and also the sweets from Atelier das Delícias, Pastelaria Bonna and Veneza. The characteristics evaluated by the jury were: originality, taste, presentation and allusion to the proposed theme.

Paper and Sweetness

Atelier das Delícias

The Cheesecake Story

Pastelaria Sàbiá

Pastelaria São João

Casa Bolas de Berlim

Pastelaria Veneza

Doçaria História à Mesa

Spirito Cupcakes & Coffee

Fava do Cacau

Pastelaria Bonna
In recent years, the place was occupied by the “basil”, created by the Tíbias de Braga in the competition held in 2015. A colourful and very tasty basil, of complex production, which still gives a court to read, created by chef João Araújo.
You can find the “orvalhadas de São João” to buy and enjoy at “Casa das Natas” establishments and at Pop-Up Store Visit Braga at Avenida Central. The candy has a cost of 2€.