Here, you can find conventual and traditional sweets, birthday cakes and a wide variety of bread. Visits are a must to taste “fidalguinhos”, “viuvinhas”, “casadinhos”, “massapães”, “súplicos”, “moletinhos”, “tíbias” or “frigideiras”.

Maintaining tradition and quality are the commitments made by the new management. Founded in 1829, Doçaria S. Vicente is an unavoidable reference in the pastry shop of Braga, perpetuating very old recipes.
The building is the same, located in the parish of S. Vicente, in Braga, but the space has been renovated and now displays an image of Bom Jesus, recently considered a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Site.

Your day will certainly be sweeter if you start here. Enjoy your breakfast, buy a snack or some candy to take with you. Between 7 a.m. and 7.30 p.m., monday to sunday, the doors are open again to welcome you.