Tardes Gulosas 2022
During the month of November, we present the excellence of the Minho pastry shops with a lot of creativity and sweeten the conversations with his friends, in those that are the sweetest afternoons of the year. There are 21 pastry shops in Braga which have a common offer of two sweets for the price of one.
Campaign limited to the existing stock.
4.95 €
Buy 2 Pay 1
Promoção BUY "Brownie" with vanilla ice cream, hot chocolate and strawberries AND WIN "Brownie" with vanilla ice cream, hot chocolate and strawberries

Moscada Food & Lifestyle
Promoção BUY "Brownie" with vanilla ice cream, hot chocolate and strawberries AND WIN "Brownie" with vanilla ice cream, hot chocolate and strawberries
Promotion: November 2nd (wednesday), 2 p.m. to 7.00 p.m.
Contactos +351 939 127 414 Largo Senhora-a-Branca, 49 – S. Victor
1,30 €
Buy 2 Pay 1
Promoção BUY "Tíbia" AND WIN "Tíbia"

Doçaria S. Vicente
Promoção BUY "Tíbia" AND WIN "Tíbia"
Promotion: November 3rd (thursday), 8 a.m. to 7.30 p.m.
Contactos 253068387 Rua Conselheiro Januário, 151 - S. Vicente
1.20 €
Buy 2 Pay 1
Promoção BUY “Bracarense” cake AND WIN “Bracarense” cake

Doçaria do Convento
Promoção BUY “Bracarense” cake AND WIN “Bracarense” cake
Promotion: November 4th (friday), 7.30 a.m. to 7.30 p.m.
Contactos 253 618 158 Praça Conselheiro Torres de Almeida, Loja C - Braga
5,00 €
Leve 2 Pague 1
Promoção BUY "Panquecas" chocolate explosion AND WIN "Panquecas" chocolate explosion

Promoção BUY "Panquecas" chocolate explosion AND WIN "Panquecas" chocolate explosion
Promotion: November 7th (monday), 2 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Contactos 918 714 952 Rua Conego Rafael Alvares da Costa, 54 – S. Victor - Braga
2,50* €
Buy 2 Pay 1
Promoção BUY "Supremo" (chocolate or passion fruit or strawberry or salted caramel) AND WIN "Folhadíssimo"

Alma Doce
Promoção BUY "Supremo" (chocolate or passion fruit or strawberry or salted caramel) AND WIN "Folhadíssimo"
*eat at the local
1,80 (take away)
Promotion: November 8th (tuesday), 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Contactos 253 177 398 Rua Fonte do Mundo, 9 - S. Vicente - Braga
2,50 €
Leve 2 Pague 1
Promoção BUY "Panquecas" with topping AND WIN "Panquecas" with topping

Ó Brunch Café
Promoção BUY "Panquecas" with topping AND WIN "Panquecas" with topping
Promotion: November 9th (wednesday), 8 a.m. to 7.00 p.m.
Contactos 925 046 476 Alameda do Fujacal, 93 – S. Lázaro - Braga
3,50 €
Buy 2 Pay 1
Promoção BUY "Crepe" with nutella AND WIN "Crepe" with nutella

Nut’ Braga
Promoção BUY "Crepe" with nutella AND WIN "Crepe" with nutella
Promotion: November 10th (thursday), 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Contactos +351 253 091 371 Rua do Souto, 135 Braga
1,00 €
Buy 2 Pay 1
Promoção BUY "Bolo de arroz" AND WIN "Bolo de arroz"

Pastelaria Bom Jesus
Promoção BUY "Bolo de arroz" AND WIN "Bolo de arroz"
Promotion: November 11st (friday), 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Contactos +351 253 639 230 R. Dom Diogo de Sousa, 149 4700 Sé, Braga
2.50 €
Buy 2 Pay 1
Promoção BUY "Semifrio" (choose the flavor) AND WIN "Nata"

Ciccoria Caffé
Promoção BUY "Semifrio" (choose the flavor) AND WIN "Nata"
Promotion: November 14th (monday), 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Contactos 912 286 060 Rua 25 de Abril, nº15 - 4700-154 Real
0.85 €
Leve 2 Pague 1
Promoção BUY "Tíbia" AND WIN "Tíbia"

Mundo das Tíbias
Promoção BUY "Tíbia" AND WIN "Tíbia"
Promotion: November 15th (tuesday), 7.30 a.m. to 7.30 p.m.
Contactos 253 187 407 Rua Fernando Castiço, 4 - S. Vicente
1,20 €
Buy 2 Pay 1
Promoção BUY Xavier Cake AND WINE Xavier Cake

Doçaria Cruz de Pedra Sàbiá
Promoção BUY Xavier Cake AND WINE Xavier Cake
Promotion: November 16th (wednesday), 3 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Contactos 253 262 616 Rua Beato Miguel de Carvalho, 156 - Braga
1.20 €
Buy 2 Pay 1
Promoção BUY Muffin (choose the flavor) AND WIN Muffin (choose the flavor)

Pastelaria São João
Promoção BUY Muffin (choose the flavor) AND WIN Muffin (choose the flavor)
Promotion: November 17th (thursday), 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Contactos +351 965 304 340 Avenida da Liberdade, 205/207 S. Lázaro, Braga
4,00* €
Buy 2 Pay 1
Promoção BUY "Tripa" with filling and two toppings AND WIN "Tripa" with filling and two toppings

Doce Maria
Promoção BUY "Tripa" with filling and two toppings AND WIN "Tripa" with filling and two toppings
*price varies according to filling flavor and toppings
Promotion: November 18th (friday), 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. to 12 a.m.
Contactos 919 073 899 Rua D. Gonçalo Pereira, 29 – Sé - Braga
0,90 €
Buy 2 Pay 1
Promoção BUY Simple or chocolate croissant AND WIN Simple or chocolate croissant

Duque Pastelaria
Promoção BUY Simple or chocolate croissant AND WIN Simple or chocolate croissant
Promotion: November 21st (monday), 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Contactos 253 220 122 Rua de Timor, 39 – S. Vicente - Braga
3,00 €
Buy 2 Pay 1
Promoção BUY 10 "churros" (flavors: milk cream, nutella or guava paste) AND WIN 10 "churros"

Maria Coxinha
Promoção BUY 10 "churros" (flavors: milk cream, nutella or guava paste) AND WIN 10 "churros"
Promotion: November 22nd (tuesday), 3 p.m. to 9.00 p.m.
Contactos +351 939 380 012 Rua Araújo Carandá, 80 S. Lázaro - Braga
2,00 €
Buy 2 Pay 1
Promoção BUY Cheese bread with nutella or sweet "coxinha" AND WIN cheese bread with nutella or sweet "coxinha"

O Rei do pão de queijo
Promoção BUY Cheese bread with nutella or sweet "coxinha" AND WIN cheese bread with nutella or sweet "coxinha"
Promotion: November 23rd (wednesday), 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Contactos 910 790 035 Avenida de São-Miguel-o-Anjo, 23 – Sé - Braga
5,70 €
Buy 2 Pay 1
Promoção BUY 6 "Natas" with Port wine AND WIN 6 classic "natas"

Natas D’Ouro Pastelaria Soares
Promoção BUY 6 "Natas" with Port wine AND WIN 6 classic "natas"
Promotion: November 24th (thursday), 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Available in all Soares Pastry shops: Av. Imaculada Conceição (Adaúfe), Av. Dr. Domingos Soares (Navarra), Rua José Afonso (S. Vicente), Rua C. Rafael Alvares da Costa (S. Victor), Av. Ramos Pinto (Vila Nova de Gaia)
Contactos +351 253 262 741 Rua José Afonso, 140 S. Vicente, Braga
1,00 €
Buy 2 Pay 1
Promoção BUY "Glorinha" or "nata" AND WIN "Glorinha" or "nata"

Padaria e Pastelaria Glorinha
Promoção BUY "Glorinha" or "nata" AND WIN "Glorinha" or "nata"
Promotion: November 25th (friday), 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Contactos 253 627 325 Rua Conego Luciano Afonso dos Santos nº42 - S. Vicente
2,00 €
Buy 2 Pay 1
Promoção BUY Lemon or chocolate pie or apple crumble AND WIN Lemon or chocolate pie or apple crumble

Pastelaria Délice
Promoção BUY Lemon or chocolate pie or apple crumble AND WIN Lemon or chocolate pie or apple crumble
Promotion: November 28th (monday), 7.30 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Contactos 253 271 303 Rua do Raio, 292 – S. Lázaro - Braga
0,75 €
Buy 2 Pay 1
Promoção BUY "Nata" simple or chocolate or cream and cinnamon AND WIN "Nata" simple or chocolate or cream and cinnamon

Pastelaria Doce S. Lourenço
Promoção BUY "Nata" simple or chocolate or cream and cinnamon AND WIN "Nata" simple or chocolate or cream and cinnamon
Promotion: November 29th (tuesday), 6.30 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Contactos 253 067 145 Av. do Covedêlo, 53 B – Celeirós – Braga
1,20 €
Buy 2 Pay 1
Promoção BUY Puff pastry roll AND WIN "Pastel de nata" or muffin (Vegan Products)

Café Montalegre