Tardes Gulosas 2022

During the month of November, we present the excellence of the Minho pastry shops with a lot of creativity and sweeten the conversations with his friends, in those that are the sweetest afternoons of the year. There are 21 pastry shops in Braga which have a common offer of two sweets for the price of one.

Campaign limited to the existing stock.

Moscada Food & Lifestyle
4.95 € Buy 2 Pay 1

Promoção BUY "Brownie" with vanilla ice cream, hot chocolate and strawberries AND WIN "Brownie" with vanilla ice cream, hot chocolate and strawberries

Promotion: November 2nd (wednesday), 2 p.m. to 7.00 p.m.

Contactos +351 939 127 414 Largo Senhora-a-Branca, 49 – S. Victor

Doçaria S. Vicente
1,30 € Buy 2 Pay 1

Promoção BUY "Tíbia" AND WIN "Tíbia"

Promotion: November 3rd (thursday), 8 a.m. to 7.30 p.m.

Contactos 253068387 Rua Conselheiro Januário, 151 - S. Vicente

Doçaria do Convento
1.20 € Buy 2 Pay 1

Promoção BUY “Bracarense” cake AND WIN “Bracarense” cake

Promotion: November 4th (friday), 7.30 a.m. to 7.30 p.m.

Contactos 253 618 158 Praça Conselheiro Torres de Almeida, Loja C - Braga

5,00 € Leve 2 Pague 1

Promoção BUY "Panquecas" chocolate explosion AND WIN "Panquecas" chocolate explosion

Promotion: November 7th (monday), 2 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Contactos 918 714 952 Rua Conego Rafael Alvares da Costa, 54 – S. Victor - Braga

Alma Doce
2,50* € Buy 2 Pay 1

Promoção BUY "Supremo" (chocolate or passion fruit or strawberry or salted caramel) AND WIN "Folhadíssimo"
*eat at the local
1,80 (take away)

Promotion: November 8th (tuesday), 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Contactos 253 177 398 Rua Fonte do Mundo, 9 - S. Vicente - Braga

Ó Brunch Café
2,50 € Leve 2 Pague 1

Promoção BUY "Panquecas" with topping AND WIN "Panquecas" with topping

Promotion: November 9th (wednesday), 8 a.m. to 7.00 p.m.

Contactos 925 046 476 Alameda do Fujacal, 93 – S. Lázaro - Braga

Nut’ Braga
3,50 € Buy 2 Pay 1

Promoção BUY "Crepe" with nutella AND WIN "Crepe" with nutella

Promotion: November 10th (thursday), 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Contactos +351 253 091 371 Rua do Souto, 135 Braga

Pastelaria Bom Jesus
1,00 € Buy 2 Pay 1

Promoção BUY "Bolo de arroz" AND WIN "Bolo de arroz"

Promotion: November 11st (friday), 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Contactos +351 253 639 230 R. Dom Diogo de Sousa, 149 4700 Sé, Braga

Ciccoria Caffé
2.50 € Buy 2 Pay 1

Promoção BUY "Semifrio" (choose the flavor) AND WIN "Nata"

Promotion: November 14th (monday), 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Contactos 912 286 060 Rua 25 de Abril, nº15 - 4700-154 Real

Mundo das Tíbias
0.85 € Leve 2 Pague 1

Promoção BUY "Tíbia" AND WIN "Tíbia"

Promotion: November 15th (tuesday), 7.30 a.m. to 7.30 p.m.

Contactos 253 187 407 Rua Fernando Castiço, 4 - S. Vicente

Doçaria Cruz de Pedra Sàbiá
1,20 € Buy 2 Pay 1

Promoção BUY Xavier Cake AND WINE Xavier Cake

Promotion: November 16th (wednesday), 3 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Contactos 253 262 616 Rua Beato Miguel de Carvalho, 156 - Braga

Pastelaria São João
1.20 € Buy 2 Pay 1

Promoção BUY Muffin (choose the flavor) AND WIN Muffin (choose the flavor)

Promotion: November 17th (thursday), 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Contactos +351 965 304 340 Avenida da Liberdade, 205/207 S. Lázaro, Braga

Doce Maria
4,00* € Buy 2 Pay 1

Promoção BUY "Tripa" with filling and two toppings AND WIN "Tripa" with filling and two toppings
*price varies according to filling flavor and toppings

Promotion: November 18th (friday), 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. to 12 a.m.

Contactos 919 073 899 Rua D. Gonçalo Pereira, 29 – Sé - Braga

Duque Pastelaria
0,90 € Buy 2 Pay 1

Promoção BUY Simple or chocolate croissant AND WIN Simple or chocolate croissant

Promotion: November 21st (monday), 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Contactos 253 220 122 Rua de Timor, 39 – S. Vicente - Braga

Maria Coxinha
3,00 € Buy 2 Pay 1

Promoção BUY 10 "churros" (flavors: milk cream, nutella or guava paste) AND WIN 10 "churros"

Promotion: November 22nd (tuesday), 3 p.m. to 9.00 p.m.

Contactos +351 939 380 012 Rua Araújo Carandá, 80 S. Lázaro - Braga

O Rei do pão de queijo
2,00 € Buy 2 Pay 1

Promoção BUY Cheese bread with nutella or sweet "coxinha" AND WIN cheese bread with nutella or sweet "coxinha"

Promotion: November 23rd (wednesday), 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Contactos 910 790 035 Avenida de São-Miguel-o-Anjo, 23 – Sé - Braga

Natas D’Ouro Pastelaria Soares
5,70 € Buy 2 Pay 1

Promoção BUY 6 "Natas" with Port wine AND WIN 6 classic "natas"

Promotion: November 24th (thursday), 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Available in all Soares Pastry shops: Av. Imaculada Conceição (Adaúfe), Av. Dr. Domingos Soares (Navarra), Rua José Afonso (S. Vicente), Rua C. Rafael Alvares da Costa (S. Victor), Av. Ramos Pinto (Vila Nova de Gaia)

Contactos +351 253 262 741 Rua José Afonso, 140 S. Vicente, Braga

Padaria e Pastelaria Glorinha
1,00 € Buy 2 Pay 1

Promoção BUY "Glorinha" or "nata" AND WIN "Glorinha" or "nata"

Promotion: November 25th (friday), 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Contactos 253 627 325 Rua Conego Luciano Afonso dos Santos nº42 - S. Vicente

Pastelaria Délice
2,00 € Buy 2 Pay 1

Promoção BUY Lemon or chocolate pie or apple crumble AND WIN Lemon or chocolate pie or apple crumble

Promotion: November 28th (monday), 7.30 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Contactos 253 271 303 Rua do Raio, 292 – S. Lázaro - Braga

Pastelaria Doce S. Lourenço
0,75 € Buy 2 Pay 1

Promoção BUY "Nata" simple or chocolate or cream and cinnamon AND WIN "Nata" simple or chocolate or cream and cinnamon

Promotion: November 29th (tuesday), 6.30 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Contactos 253 067 145 Av. do Covedêlo, 53 B – Celeirós – Braga

Café Montalegre
1,20 € Buy 2 Pay 1

Promoção BUY Puff pastry roll AND WIN "Pastel de nata" or muffin (Vegan Products)

Promotion: November 30th (wednesday), 8 a.m. to 7.30 p.m.

Contactos 939 275 664 Rua Dr. Domingos Soares, 24 – S. Vicente – Braga